
New article: Fiction Machines: Oporavak

Issue 1: International Journal of Creative Media Research

March 2019

In this statement I consider the single screen video work Oporavak (2016), a work that has been shown in galleries, film festivals and media art biennales. The video… more about

I am Algorithm, Marie-Anne McQuay

I am Algorithm (2013)

Marie-Anne McQuay, Curator, spike island

Charlie Tweed’s mesmeric films bring to the foreground of our attention processes that operate more usually in the background of our perception. We are narrated to by abandoned hardware,… more about

The Only Way Is Up

Ellen Mara De Wachter

This text was written for the publication for the exhibition:

Who Wants to Act Now, or Even See Acting
Curated by Nazli Gurlek at Depo Istanbul (June 15-22 2010)

The mood is strong in We… more about

Interview with curator Liz Bruchet for Proof Magazine, 2009

LB. Your work is primarily concerned with what you refer to as “control methodologies.” Can you explain what that term signifies for you?

Control methodologies are the elements that make up systems of control and they are explored… more about

Interview with Gary Thomas for Animate Projects (2010)

Were Notes Part I, II & III always intended as a series?

No the Notes set of films has grown over time and began with the video ‘We Are The Above’ which I developed during my MFA at Goldsmiths… more about

Transmission – Marie-Anne McQuay 2010

Charlie Tweed – Notes I, II & III

Whilst masquerading as a fiction – a future dystopia transmitted in episodes by a post-human life force – Charlie Tweed’s Notes series, like all dystopias, mirrors the concerns of the present… more about